Interview with Female African Journalist, May 2005

ID 17087
short audio about what African women would expect from the G8 and its effects on their communities:
- Brain drain
- Drugs/HIV
- Fair Trade
- Structural Adjustment Programmes.

More info and audio in ogg-vorbis:

Sorry, can't remember the name of the woman and the country she is from, only can remember that she is am African journalist but works now as a nurse in London.

Audio ends rather abruptly as mp3 cuts off several seonds at the end during encoding.
03:01 min, 706 kB, mp3
mp3, 32 kbit/s, Mono (22050 kHz)
Upload vom 28.05.2007 / 16:57



Beitragsart: Anderes
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Andere, Wirtschaft/Soziales, Internationales, in anderen Sprachen, Frauen/Lesben, Politik/Info

AutorInnen: Ulla
Radio: RadioForum, Rostock im www
Produktionsdatum: 02.06.2005
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