Fifth Day of the WSF 2011 in Dakar, Senega: The Assembly of the social movements celebrates the struggles in the world and expresses solidarity with the people in Tunesia and Egypt.

ID 39039
The assembly of the social movments presents the declaration of the WSF 2011. The athmosphere in the well attended assembly was militant and vibrant. The declaration reafirms the struggle against capitalism, patriarchy and racism. It declares the banks, transnational companies and international institutions responsible for the financial, food, environmental and social crises. It calls for a day of action on March 20 in solidarity with the people of the Arab world, for the cancellation of the depts and against structural adjustment programs.
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Dateizugriffe: 771


Beitragsart: Feature
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Internationales, Politik/Info, Wirtschaft/Soziales
Serie: Weltsozialforum 2011 in Dakar, Senegal

AutorInnen: Bianca Miglioretto, AMARC
Radio: LoRaZH, Zürich im www
Produktionsdatum: 11.02.2011
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Hipp – Hopp

Am 10. Februar, fand die fand die Versammlung der sozialen Bewegungen statt, wo die Erklärung des WSF vorgestellt wurde, die während den On the five day of the WSF in Dakar or on Feb. 5 The assembly of the Social movements took place. The Declaration of the WSF was presented that was put toghether in the last five days as a result of the discussions, demands that the participants came up with.


The big Amphitheater hall of the University was full of people to the last place and there was a exciting athmosphere in the room. And for once the translation into French, English and Spanisch was working. The first speaker feminded of the huge rally on the first day, when the caravans from neighbouring countries merged together.

Befor the assembly started very politizised Senegalese Hipp Hopp Artists addressed the crowed, Kurgy, Matador and Malad Fou.

Kirgy reminded us that we are gathered in a very historique room:


A few months ago the French President Sarkozy was here in this room and insulted the black people by saying that Africa does not have a history.


Kirgy explained, that we have to be careful not to simplify:


the enemies of the African people are the Whites. Because for me there is no-one more white than the Senegalise President Abdulaye Wade, who represents the interests of the West.


Further they critizised their own people because in the room are more Foreigners than locals.


If people come from so far to talk about the problems of the South, why are the people of the South not present here? It is a shame! Many more Senegalese should be here, as this forum takes place in Senegal.


Malade fou strongly condemned the presence of capitalism at the world social Forum:

We are radicals and having capitalist products at the forum is a contradition. We do not want any softdrinks from multinational companies nor any Nestle-Products at this forum we promote the consumption of local products.


They ended by saying:


We need to always remember that it will take very long to win the struggle, but we have already fought many combats, of which we can be proud. So lets give us a big applause .



They played two songs from their new CD about international depts and the African social conciousness.


O-Ton Miriam

We the social movements we want revolution.
Miriam of the World March of Women explained the objectve of the Assamply of the Social movments. Which is held in every WSF. In previous years we needed to get to know each other and our respective sturggles. And today we are working together and planing the struggle globaly. We take this opportunity to coordinate the fight angainst the structurs that support capitalism, Racism and the Patriarchy.

O-ton Frauen

The athmosphere in the hall became more and more militant and agitated. The slogan of the women that was heard all over the forum: Solidarity with the women in the entire world.


The crouwed bursted into cheering when some participants announced that Dicatator Mubarek of Egypt will stepp down soon.


Long live the revolutions in Tunesia and Egypt. Another world is possible. The people of Tunesia and Egypt have shown us the way.

A People united will never be defeated.


When the crowed full of joy and happyness calmed down a bit, the resolution was presented.


We the people united here at the assembly of the social movements reaffirm the important contribution of the African people to the construction of a human civilisation. We came together to fight capitalism, patriarchy, racism and all forms of discrimination.

The two page declaration expressed its solidarity with the people of Tunesia and Egypt and its support the the people of the Ivory Coast.

It talk about the different crises: Economic and environmental, foodcrises, and social crises which lead to massive migration and displacement of people.

It denounces the role that bancs, transnational companies, media conglomerates and international institutens play in this systeme. In order to get maximum profit they engage in wars, military occupation, military bases, the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, ideological manipulation and exploitation of the people.

People fight the privatisation of the daily life, public services and the common goods such as water, air, land, seeds and natural resources.


The declaration demands souverainity of all peoples. It denounces Free Trade Agreements and promotes the protection of local production and bio-diversity and free movement for everyone.

It demands the unconditional cancellation of the depts of the countries in the South. And calls for massive mobilisations at the meetings of G8 and G20.

It demands climate justice, reduction of emmissions, stop to genegic engerneering and carbon trading.


We fight violence a gainst women in armed conflicts, domestic violence, Trafficking in women, girls and boys, but also the criminalisation of women who participate in social struggles.

We defend the right to sexuell diversity and gender identity and fight homophoby.

We fight for peace and against war and military occupation and demand the elemination of all neculear arms.

We support sanctions against Isreal

Each of these struggles means a struggle of ideas that we can only win if we democratize communicaiton.

The declaration calls for an international day of action on March 20 in solidarity with the peoples in the arab world, in support of the resistance of the palestinian and saharoui peoples and against international dept and structural adjustment programmes.

It further calls on October 12 for an global day against capitalism.

Mouvements of the world, lets advance in unity to destroy the capitalist system. Victory is ours!
