Serie: Elephant in the Room

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Elephant in the Room - Coronavirus in France

France is one of the leading countries in the world with amount of cases of COVID-19. The governmental response to the epidemic seems quite chaotic as in many other countries while the virus strikes hardest poorest communities in the country. We've invited a friend from Paris who came for couple of weeks to Dresden to talk about the current situation in the country and response to the crisis from different parts of population. Music: ...

Elephant in the room - Feminist Strike 2019

There was a demonstration in Chemnitz on Saturday to the womens prison, we tell you what you were missing. Also today we are talking about the international women strike at the 8th of March. What was happening and how does it actually work. And on 15th of March is the International Day against police violence. - Demonstration in Chemnitz to women prison - feminist strike introduction and voices from Dresden action - discussion about some ...

Elephant in the room - Nine month after uprising in Belarus

In August 2020 the uprising against dictator Lukashenko started in Belarus, already before the re-election. After the falsified elections thousands of people went to the streets and were protesting for month. The regime hit back with massive violence. While at the beginning people were building barricades and fought the cops back, the liberals were calling for peaceful protest. This seem one of the key points why the uprising was eventually crashed ...

Perspektives on Womens prison- Elephant in the Room

According to the Federal Statistical Office 2996 women were in German prisons on 30 November. Who are these women? What are they being punished for? How many of them even identify themselves as women? Prison fulfils a structural function, for example in the administration of poverty. But what role do women*prisons fulfil? How do they help to maintain a patriarchal gender-biased system? Tops: Indroduction History of Women's prisons Women ...

Belarus-EU refugees war

For many years authoritarian regime of Lukashenko was providing EU with border security. The deal was simple - dictator prevents refugees going through Belarus to EU and for that get's money and trainings for the border guards. Despite sanctions from 2011 to 2015 Frontex was actively supporting belarusian border regime. Situation have changed recently when EU stopped sending money to Minsk. Lukashenko gave up protecting borders and made ...

Elephant in the room - Real Estate Topic

In today's issue of Elephant in The Room we are talking about Capitalism around the housing topic. We introduce the problem with Vonovia company in Germany and get comments from the person who lives in one of the houses owned by the company as well as attempt to maximize profits by the company through illegal ways. You will also find a description of the current housing struggles happening in city of Dresden.

Elephant in the room - Repression in Russia and Belarus - April 2019

We are talking in this show about the Network Case in Russia. The lawyer of one of the accused gave a press converence on the case of his defendant. And we have an interview with an activist from Minsk, Belarus who is facing several charges because of Extremism.

Freedom to Navalny protests in Russia

We got in touch with several anarchist comrades to talk about the recent protests on the streets of different cities in Russia. We looked into political events of 2020 and how they brought people to the situation with protests. We managed to clarify if Navalny is a nazi and the whole protest should be ignored by the anarchists or leftists. And of course we talked about anarchists and their participation in protest movement. Music: Группа ...

Elephant in the room - repressions against anarchists in Russia and cooperation ...

Network case in Penza, Russia shocked a lot of people by sentences that can compete with those given to political opponents during Gulag times. We are talking to Tanya one of the people behind solidarity campaign with prosecuted anarchists and antifascists in Russia about the sentencing and the role repressions and tortures played in anarchist movement in the country. In the second part of the show we talk with an anarchist from Thuringen, ...

Elephant in the room #37 - Anarchists and war in Ukraine

For weeks, Putin has been moving military forces in the direction of Ukraine. Over 120 000 soldiers with military equipment spread all around the border. The chance of military invasion is extremely high with Ukrainian government mobilizing forces and different countries sending military support. Putin continues to build up military pressure. Official reason: attempt to stop expansion of NATO. In reality, we see Russian imperial politics in action ...

Elephant in the Room #44 - No Borders Team about the developement at the polish-belarusian ...

In this interview we are talking with people of the No Borders Team, an anarchist collective from Polans, about the situation at the polish-belarusian border in the past year.

Elephant in the room - A russian perspective on the war in Ukraine #39

Already on March 2, we conducted an interview with the independent journalist Dmitry Okrest. We talked about his perspective on the war, the reaction of society in general and the anarchist movement specifically, the ideology behind the war, and the impact the war has on russian society.  More information from russian anarchists:

Elephant in the room #38 - Update on the situation at the polish-belarusian border

For many years the authoritarian regime of Lukashenko was providing the European Union with border security. The deal was simple – the dictator prevents refugees going through Belarus to the EU and gets money and training for the border guards in return. Despite sanctions from 2011 to 2015 Frontex was actively supporting and developing the Belarusian border regime. At the end of 2020 the Situation changed. The EU imposed sanctions in response ...

Elephant in the Room #42 – Situation of prisoners in Ukraine and Russia during ...

The war in Ukraine has kept everyone’s attention for over eight months now. Many were horrified by the atrocities that accompany war efforts and are ongoing. We see dead soldiers, tortured civilians, sad faces of those who found their relatives killed and happy cries of locals on de-occupied territories. However, not much is known about one of the most marginalized and invisible groups of the population – the prisoners. In this interview ...

Elephant in the room #45 - Medical Self-Defense Network in Ukraine and beyond

In the last episode of this year we are talking with Alexis from Medical Self Defense Network - left and anarchists aiming to build up grassroot organizing of the health care as well as providing medical aid to the people in the war zones. MSDN is currently active in Ukraine and in the region of Northern Syria.

Elephant in the room #45 - Medical Self-Defense Network in Ukraine and beyond

In the last episode of this year we are talking with Alexis from Medical Self-Defense Network - left and anarchists aiming to build up grassroots organizing of the health care as well as providing medical aid to the people in the war zones. MSDN is currently active in Ukraine and in the region of Northern Syria. The website of the project is You can also follow them on twitter in case it survives Elon Musk - ...

Elephant in the room - No one will be left alone – prisoner solidarity in Belarus #40

ABC Belarus is calling urgently for donations to continue their support of the anarchist and antifascist prisoners in Belarus. Since the uprising in 2020 the repression keeps going and right now there are 30 Antifascists and Anarchists imprisoned. The number is growing. In this interview a member of the solidarity campaign is explaining the recent situation in Belarus in general, as well as the situation of imprisoned people, how the repression ...

Solidarity Collectives - Interview about solidarity work with Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is going on now for 5 month and our solidarity is still necessary. We talked with Yuri a member of the network Solidarity Collectives about the challenges the activists are facing within their work, why the initiative Operation Solidarity was transformed, what is the focus of the new initiative and what are the wishes and advices towards the comrades from abroad.

Elephant in the Room #46 - Myth of 13 February and bombing of Dresden

In 1945 the city of Dresden was bombed by the allies. The story was used by multiple different political group in their attempt to appropriate this event. Starting from the crumbling Nazi regime and ending up with GDR's so-called socialists. From 90th, neonazis are also using this day to rewrite the history and make Dresden as one of the biggest victims of the second world war. For many years, anarchists and antifascists are resisting ...

Elephant in the room #47 - March 8 - Voices of Women and Queers fighting in Ukraine

For March 8 Solidarity Collectives gathered statements from women and Queers fighting and resisting the Russian invasion. We recorded those statements to give this perspectives a voice March 8. A day symbolizing freedom, a day motivating to fight, a day when the voices of feminists can be heard by millions of protesters walking the common path of equality. But the path of Ukrainian women changed dramatically on February 24, 2022. The beginning ...