Serie: Ich bin ein Hamburger

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Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 9 - The Grinch Who Grilled Christmas

Whether its bones to Cologne or warlock wizards the Burgerforce opens every door of this advent episode. From pinching a pretty penny to grinching shop testers we share all our secrets at the Holiday Inn. Enlist now for the War on Christmas!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 8 - Grade (A) Burger

The school bell's ringing and Operation Burgerforce is runnin'late to class. Professor Bernd Burger has been flipped off by all of his pupils. We switch our dunce hats for our graduation caps and throw our tassles at the hateful rascals. Learn how to live as a lean burger and save the scrapes from the grill

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 7 - Greta's Low Carbon Burgers

BurgerForce takes inspiration from the greenest frycook on the planet Greta T as she grills the leaders of the world at the UN. This episode is rated G....for green.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 6 - Scootin' Over the Rainbow

BurgerForce scoots into the studio, carbon-free, and discusses corporate pink washing. Are there profits at the end of this rainbow?

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 5 - Steamed Buns

BurgerForce is steaming it up in the studio sauna as we debrief...the Hamburg election. Then we proudly run onto the field for the women‘s World Cup before an unexpected call from Susan.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 1 - Burger Force Unite!

Operation BurgerForce launches. Four burgers from four different grills united inside the great bun of Hamburg. Lettuce introduce all you fresh, new burgers to the juiceness of life as a Hamburger.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 2 - Brexit Through the Burger Shop

BurgerForce inspects the Fry-days for Future movement and this grill is getting hot. Then we Brexit the heat and go underground to the caverns of the U-Bahn for stories and hijinks. Nächste Haltestelle...

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 3 - Mayday! Mayday! Send More Burgers!

May Day is around the corner and the BurgerForce is tanzen into the May. From clubs burning down to burdensome bureaucracy. Why are we faxing burgers in the 21st century?

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 4 - Every Burger Counts

The BurgerForce takes a quick look at the EU parliamentry deep fryer then chats about connecting with family burgers around the world.