Serie: 1st AMARC Europe Conference Bucharest 2008

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[amarc-bucharest08] Vlad Turcanu

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008 - Vlad Turcanu, Radio Journalist and former member of the Broadcasting Council in Moldava

[amarc-bucharest08] Viviana Uriona

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008 - Viviana Uriona, Radio Attac and experience in divers Radio Forum, Germany

[amarc-bucharest08] Nino Jakhua: The state of the debate from the borders of ...

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008 - Nino Jakhua, Radio Green Wave, Georgia – The state of the debate from the borders of Europe

[amarc-bucharest08] Otto Tremetzberger: Some outcomes from a recent study on ...

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008 - Otto Tremetzberger, Austrian Association of Free Radios (VFROE), - Challenges, perspectives, recommendations: Some outcomes from a recent study on Community Media in Europe [Download der Studie als pdf hier:]

[amarc-bucharest08] Angel Garcia Castillejo: Digital Television (TDT), possibilities ...

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008 - Angel Garcia Castillejo Board member of the Spanish Commision for the Telecommunication Market- Digital Television (TDT), possibilities and threats for Community Medias

[amarc-bucharest08] Emmanuel Boutterin – Digital Radio: the social impact of ...

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008: - Emmanuel Boutterin, President of the Syndicat National des Radios Libres (France) – Digital Radio: the social impact of the technical choices and the political struggles

[amarc-bucharest08] Lawrie Hallett: The double face of the transition to digital

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 13.12.2008: Lawrie Hallett University of Westminster (UK) – Digitize it: the double face of the transition to digital

[amarc-bucharest08] Nadia Bellardi: The lobbying efforts for the acknowledgment ...

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 12.12.2008 - Nadia Bellardi (CMFE & AMARC Europe) "From Kiev 2005 to Reykjavik 2009: The lobbying efforts for the acknowledgment of the Community Media Sector in Europe"

[amarc-bucharest08] Ioana Avadani: The media landscape in Romania

Speech at the 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 12.12.2008 - Ioana Avadani, Center for the Independent Journalism (Romania) – The media landscape in Central and Eastern Europe countries, freedom of expression and access to media.

[amarc-bucharest08] Karol Jakubowicz: Media Pluralism in Europe, the need for ...

Keynote at the Opening 1st AMARC Europe Conference in Bucharest 12. 12. 2008 by Karol Jakubowicz (Expert, Council of Europe. Chairman, Intergovernmental Council, Information for All Programme, UNESCO): "Media Pluralism in Europe, the need for a third audiovisual sector"