Elephant in the room - Liberate Hong Kong an interview about the protest

ID 105516
Today the trial against some of the most famous protestors in Hong Kong began. Joshua Wong (24), Agnes Chow (23) and the 26 years old Ivan Lam. The prosecution accuses the three activists of having been present at an unauthorized demonstration outside a Hong Kong police station in June last year. They are also alleged to have asked others to join the illegal protest action. The three are facing up to five years in prison. The activists said this morning: "Neither prison bars, nor exclusion from elections, nor other arbitrary actions by authorities can stop us from our democracy activism." Demonstrations and protests like the one that put the three activists on trial would be impossible in Hong Kong today. Since July, a state security law has been in force in the Chinese special administrative region to prevent such actions.
We talk about the situation in Hong Kong, the resistance against the authoritarian approaches of China and a lot more. To discuss all these matters we invited a guest today who will talk about the situation in general but also her personal perspective on the situation.
01:00:00 h, 48 MB, mp3
mp3, 112 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 23.11.2020 / 21:47

Dateizugriffe: 1501


Genre: Interview
Langue: english
rubrique: Internationales, in anderen Sprachen, Politik/Info
Series: Elephant in the Room

Auteur: Black Rose radio Collective
Radio: coloradio, Dresden im www
Date de production: 23.11.2020
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
The history of the relationship between Hong Kong, mainland China (and Britain)
Differences between (people from) Hong Kong and (people from) China
China breaks the Sino-British-Agreement (one country Anti-Extradition-Movement starts in 2019 and the repressions begin
In 2020 the newely passed security law and Covid-19 exacerbate the sitiuation in Hong Kong
The fight for Human Rights and freedom seems hopeless, but the protest continues

光復香港 時代革命 香港人加油!- Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times and keep fighting!

How to show solidarity with the "yellow ribbons" (name of the movement, symbolizing light) and how to stay updated

I) Channels to stay tuned with HK
Organisations of the movement in Germany:
Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V.
- https://www.facebook.com/hkerinde/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrXljN...
WirfürHK (HK Human Rights Report)
- https://wirfuerhongkong.org/heim/

II) Media
Podcast “dingding”
- https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SYdvAX...
Documentaries e.g. “Hong Kong Connection”

III) Speak with foreigners, listen to their stories, expose to diverse cultures e.g. Promotional video of Hong Kong Film Awards 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtdbxH7wB7U


問誰未發聲 Do You Hear the Hong Kong People Sing?
Lester Chong - Will (not) see you soon
Ada Lee -解悶工廠 A Letter to You
願榮光歸香港 Glory to Hong Kong
Beyond - 十八 Eighteen