Redebeitrag "Antisemitismus"

ID 27873
Redebeitrag, lief auf der Kundgebung "Rock am Kreuz" am 8. Mai am Connewitzer Kreuz in Leipzig.
04:15 min, 3980 kB, mp3
mp3, 128 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 09.05.2009 / 18:23

Dateizugriffe: 98


Genre: Gebauter Beitrag
Langue: deutsch
rubrique: Politik/Info, Kultur

Auteur: Einzelperson aus BAK Shalom
Radio: RadioBlau, Leipzig im www
Date de production: 09.05.2009
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Kein Skript vorhanden.

11.05.2009 / 14:48 Reinhard, bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar
end to occupation and war second-class citizens locked at home with an electronic shackle
beweggründe von besatzungs- und kriegspolitikgegner nicht antisemitisch keine solidarität mit der israelischen regierungspolitik English to follow the Hebrew Dear friends and signatories, attached - translation of a rare expression of solidarity by Rami Heuberger, a well-known israeli stage, tv and film actor and artist, protesting the indefinitely extended housearrest of arab palestinian artist and activist Samieh Jabbarin. Please read Rami's words and help us give them wings. Many of you received, signed and helped distribute the petition we initiated on the issue. Many thanks! More signatures keep arriving, many many more are needed to reach our goal. To sign the petition please go to: [Non-Hebrew speakers are welcome to sign, they might have difficulties identifying the fields so please note: The first 3 fields are obligatory and marked with red asterix. First field: name of signatory Second field: place of residence Third field: email (not displayed but available to the organizers of the petition). The 4th and 5th fileds are for tel. numbers but are not obligatory and also not helpful outside Israel. Last field allows a short comment (up to 600 signs). Under the updated number of the signers there is a diagonal red square – clicking it sends the signature out]. Thank you, Friends of Samieh – Solidarity Committee