Opening of the World Social Forum 2011 in Dakar, Senegal

ID 38922
Several tousend people marched in the streets of Dakar for the opening rally of the World Social Forum 2011 that is taking place in Dakar, Senegal, Africa from February 6 to 11. Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia was the most prominent speaker of the opening of the Forum. He calls himself an alumni of the social movements and calls for many more presidents that went through the school of the World Social Forum.
Another world is possible: 50'000 people are expected here in Dakar to discuss how this world will look like and how to reach it.
AMARC is reporting daily life in several languages from Dakar on
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Genre: Feature
Langue: english
rubrique: Politik/Info
Series: Weltsozialforum 2011 in Dakar, Senegal

Auteur: Bianca Miglioretto, AMARC
Radio: LoRaZH, Zürich im www
Date de production: 07.02.2011
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht

Another World is possible!
The World Social Forum 2011 takes place in Dakar, Senegal, Africa
from February 6 to February 11.

Voices, music, reports, sounds and speeches brougth to directly form the World Social Forum in Africa for Asia Pacific and the rest of the world by
AMARC the World Association of community Radio Broadcaster on

Tune in and listen to the voices of the social movements around the world.

Feb. 6 Ralley and Opening

solidarity with the women of the entire world was only one of the many slogans that were shouted today at the opening rally of the World social Forum here in Dakar on February 6. Between 6 and 10 000 people gathered in the center of town. Majority of them come from Africa, especially from Senegal and the neighbouring countries like Mali, Mauretania and others. There are many people from Europe, especially from France, as Senegal is a former Frechn colonie. A big delegation is here from Brasil and a view representatives form other countries in Latin America and hardly anyone from Asia and the Pacific I only saw a small delegation from Japan.

There were hundereds of organisations represented with their banners and slogans, such as the Peace movement, the environmentalist movement of Senegal, Freedom from dept organisations, Attac an organisation asking taxes on stock exchanges, Several yout organisations such as YMCA, The women's Word March, Trade unions form Sweeden, Germany, the people's health movement, several funding agencies such as ICCO and Oxfam, A group of cyclists did a silent solidarity bycicle tour from Bamako Mali to Dakar Senegal to attend the World Social Forum. The movement of the Mauretanese refugees in Senegal. The women's network of the World Campaign for the control of small arms. The Saharouis people condemning the occupation of their land by the Maroccan government. The network of the community radios for Peace and Development, An association that promotes the Africain-Indian Culture, further The Social Forum of the Maghreb and palestinan organisations to name a few. There were many others.


Just as many organisations there were different slogans in different languages, the majority in French: among them were the call to stop violence against women, For an exploitation of the mines that are for the benefit of the people and in respect of the environment. Others shouted The response to the international crises is International Solidarity. All Those topics that will be discussed during the following five days here at the World Social forum in Dakar, Senegal.


Just before the forum started a workshop took place on the situation and rights of Migrants around the world on the former slave Iland Gore which is situated right next to the city of Dakar. They came up with a World Charter for Migrants and many slogans at the rally were demanding a world without boarders and free movement for everyone. One of their slogan was

Yesterday colonised, today exploited tomorrow free to move around.


The entire rally was also accompanied by drums, music and songs. The security forces of the Senegalese government were not very present but they were protecting in full riot gear specific businesses such as the Shell gas station. Somme young senegalese were entertaining the soldiers with their drums, which sounded like this.


After more than two hour marching through the city the rally reached the compaound of the University of Dakar where the World Social Forum will take place. There was the proramme of the opening speeches.

O-Ton Opening

People of the world, people of Africa and people of Senegal Welcome to Dakar.
The organising commitee welcomed the participants with a passionate speech that said
Another world is possible, a world were justice will win. We want social and economic justice. We want food souverenty, we want water and land for everyone. Health services and medication for everyone – long live victory!

The main most important speaker of the day was Evo Morales, the socialist President of Bolivia in Latin America who is a mine worker of the oppressed indigenous peoples of Bolivia. He is a trade unionist and was elected with a big majority in 2005 as first President of Bolivia coming form the working class and the first President worldwide who represents the indigenous community.

In his militant speech He told the social forum that he is one of the students of the World social Frorum and the social movements, this is where he learned to become a leader and a president of a nation.

He explained how the Bolivian government has decided that common goods such as water, telecommunication, electricity should not be managed by the private sector but by the government. No to privatisation of common goods, especially water, which is a human right. Further natural resources should also not be exploited by multinational private companies but managed by the government for the benefit of the people. Like this Bolivia was able to multiply its national financial reserves by 6 times in just 6 years.

He called on the participants of the social movement, that the world needs many more presidents coming from the school of the social movements. There are already some, such as Hugo Chavez who sends his regards, Lula of Brasil and others but we need many many more.

Because it is hight time to save humanity and our world. For this we need to know who are our enemies: Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism and Neo-Liberalism. We see people fighting all over the world and today the people of the Maghreb are rising in Tunesia and Egyipt to fight US-Imperialism. Capitalism is in the defence, faced with the rebellion of the peoples of the world.

All the speakers of the main opening ceremony were men. At the very end of the Opening when most people had already left an Indian women from the WSF organising committee spoke and extended the greetings form the Asia. She said people from Asia could not come because of the high travel costs, but they are present here in spirit and She announced the South Asian Social Forum that will take place in November this year in bangladesh.

African traditional drums and other music groups through the end of the opeining ceremony of the 11th world social forum that will take place the next five days till February 11 here in Dakar, Senegal Africa.