two anarcha feminists talk about their situations

ID 4269
since a couple of days the actions and preparations agaisnt the european union summit are held in the squatted university of thessaloniki.
different anarchist groups are there.
many discussions are going on so last wednesday 18.06.2003 a discussion about anarcha feminism took place in the theologian part, squatted by the antiauthoritarian movement.
unfortunately i didn't record the discussion which was
going on yesterday afternoon in the theology.
a womyn from eugen called for an exchange about anarcha
feminist experiences in different parts of the world.
very interesting.
but fortunately two of the wimmin particitpating talked
some of the stuff on mini disk and you can hear now what
was talked about.
11:52 min, 6954 kB, mp3
mp3, 80 kbit/s, Stereo (22050 kHz)
Upload vom 20.06.2003 / 00:00

Dateizugriffe: 1213


tipo: Interview
lingua: english
settore/i di redazione: Frauen/Lesben, Politik/Info

autrici/autori: reCistencia
Radio: RadioHelsinki, Graz im www
data di produzione: 20.06.2003
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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