Serie: Ich bin ein Hamburger

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Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 29- Meat eorological Mayhem

Whoosh..... Whoosh....there's winds a blowin' in BurgerForce HQ as Jaselle Sue Ellen joins us live from Berlin. She discusses the trials and tribulations of student housing before we learn some German weather words. Hold on, we're almost through the winter!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 28 - Putting the Cool in School

What was the peak of pandemic blues like for a teacher? We enter the School of Hard Lockdown to find out. Then burgers share their high school secrets before Fake Newsin' 101 gets us to the home time bell. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 27 - Bunary Sunsets

One of the original founding Hamburgers, Sherv', bids farewell to the show. Klappy and Sherv' recline on their nostalgic buns and look yonder to the memories of grills past. Sherv's final flip takes him from the ports of Hamburg to lady liberty in NYC. The Bunary Sunset is setting in the distant, but the next journey begins.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 26 - Falling Through the Grill

The Hamburger bun can be cushy but what happens when you fall through the grill? Burgerforce discuss life on the margins of the hot plate where people get cold and excluded. Then we discuss food waste and more Fake Newsin' with Susan!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 25 - Mmm this culture is tasty

Things are opening up! Cultural event connoisseur Ceren shares the new range of cultural sauces on show. Then we premiere our new segment - Fake Newsin' with Susan - before discussing tubthumping grandmas on the U-Bahn.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 24 - Time to Shine Music Festival

Beat the COVID blues with Time to Shine Music Festival sizzling in the studio. The set list includes German election trivia, Afghanistan analysis, and the future of the US Empire. Put your speakers up to the Max as our special guest music performance streams in 6G!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 23 - Pop Frychology

Back to BurgerForce HQ with Boozin' Susan and special guest Julie Johnson from Sweden. Julie talks Pop Frychology to understand how our hot and cold behaviour can affect our burger brains. Are you too attached to the grill? Let's scrape deeper to find out!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 22 - Lockdown Cambodia Cooking Show!

Red zone to the left of them, red zone to the right, Klappy and Dustin are stuck at home in Phnom Penh. What else can they do except a cooking show? Learn to make Japanese pancakes that are beyond Okonomi-yucki!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 21 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into Cambodia

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. As the COVID water boiled, Klappy decided to be the frog that jumped out of the pot. Away from Burgerland, away to the jungle of Cambodia to meet his friend Dustin. He'd explain why Cambodia didn't suffer the same COVID fate as Burgerland. And why Myanmar faced an even worse horror.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 20 - Burger Stand Blues

It's getting hot in the Corona kitchen so let's get the burgers to go! Van life beckons when you can't eat in. Just make sure you check your mental health at the truck stop and pump the SAD lamp full throttle if the flames dim. Batten down the fridges and let's flip the road!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 19 - Jingle Bells, We're Leaving Hell

Burgerforce goes in for their end-of-the-year eye exam and their vision is anything but 2020. This year has been a complete blur but we're not completely blind yet. We look at all the 'low'-lights of 2020 and search for the light at the end of the drive-thru. As we inject our patties with the new vaccine, plan parades or trips with Mutti Merkel to Berghain we're ready to grill & thrill into 2021.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 18 - Great American Burger Cook-off

The patty has finally flipped from red to blue! But beneath the grill the rage of the patty still burns bright... Fear not because our guest political analyst will take us behind the smoke and mirrors to reveal that the buns of the republic continue to rise in the oven of democracy.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 17 - Count Burgula Halloween Special!

Broadcasting from the crypts of Hamburg we shelter from the second wave with the Halloween Queen herself, Spooky Susan and her new undead companions. We advise you mortals how to have fun despite these creepy times. Knock on our mausoleum door for some tricks...and some treats.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 16 - Flat or Fizzy Friendships

Burger Force plunges into a lonely cup of coronated soda and finds the fizz is lacking in some friendships. As we look through the drinking straw is that light at the end of the tunnel or yet another Californian wildfire?

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 15 - Feeling Burnt Out

In this episode we celebrate Gangeviertel's 11th birthday and enter the realm of pandemonium. Forget the birthday hat, we've got our birthday masks on instead. We're here to blow out the candles, not our bun brains. Paging Dr. Fries..

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 14 - Fry Me a Flipping River

As COVID burns theatre fans, we discuss how the cultural sauce is being re-flavoured in response. Then BurgerForce peers under the grill, to inspect the charcoal remains of patties from the past. Those who forget history, are doomed to reheat it.

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 13 - Kein Tanzen, nur Grillen

As Burgerforce slowly (and responsibly) unwrap their hygenically sealed burgers they find its sauce has changed quite a lot during molecular lockdown. Heating up this burger in the summer sun is gonna be tricky!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 12 - Flatten the Patty

Gesuuuuuundheit! This month BurgerForce are freshly wrapped in their hazmat suits. They discuss new normal life in this post-Corona world. Learn how to open doors with your elbow, but make sure you don't get too close yo. Keep your 2 meter abstand so you dont get burned on the Corona grill. Remember to wash your ears after this episode!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 11 - Single Patty Not Sorry

BurgerForce has gone one full flip! On this anniversary episode we scrub down the grill and strike the match to the tinder. Is that Valentine's love in the air or just another case of Corona? To find out we put on Cupid's outfit and investigate the do's and don'ts of dating in Germany. So get those hazmat suits on and swipe right on this episode!

Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 10 - Ok Burger...

BurgerForce presents its 2020 vision to the Boomers with no vision. No New Year diet resolutions, so first on the menu Grilled Boomer...hold the Quatsch mit Soße bitte! Then with city elections coming up, we inspect if our Bürgermeister is about to be flipped. Come on place your with extra Sitzfleisch!