Radio Radu Burtescu

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Steps Beyond

FEDEPAZ is an organization from Peru that recently started the cooperation with an organization in Luxembourg (ASTM) to create offices in areas affected by mining in Peru in which the local population can get informed and through which the government can be made more responsible towards them. More on the collaboration between FEDEPAZ and ASTM as well as two examples of mining practices that went bad in Peru in the following interviews (translated from Spanish to English ...

Steps Beyond

George Guimearaes is an animal rights activist from Brazil that gave a presentation on the situation in Brazil when it comes to protests and actions. His organization, VEDDAS is both active in animal rights and forest issues and more information on it can be found on the website: He also gives an idea on where the Belo Monte damn conflict is now.

Steps Beyond

VEGAN PRO ATHLETE INTERVIEW at AR-CONFERENCE LUXEMBOURG 2012 Christine "Peanut" Vardaros is a pro athlete involved in some of the most difficult bicycle races in the world such as cyclocross and also vegan, promoting animal rights and a plant based diet for both top athletes and the general public. The interview was recorded on the 14th of September at the Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg.

Steps Beyond

When and Where: phone interview on July 26th 2012 Who: interviewed Jean Louis Zeien, president of Fair Trade Luxembourg ( What: interview on fair trade gold that is to be launched in Luxembourg in autumn. Why: as I understand romanian I read the independent media that comes from romania in regards to the interests of corporations and government to start one of the largest gold mines in Europe in Rosia Montana. I know that gold is wrecking ...