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www.livinggallery.info - a new indypendent art network - based in Poland

Malgorzata Kazmierczak - historian - in talk with Ralf Wendt - Radio Corax Halle- about polish new art szene and about the online-magazine Living Gallery

Worthless junk or a gold mine? Professional scrap dealer in Agbogbloshi, Ghana

Katja spoke to a professional scrap dealer in one of the biggest e-waste dump site of the world in Ghana's capital Accra. What happens to raw material from disused electronic equipment? Who buys them? Were do the old devices come from?

World Without Prisons

5. Halt: World Without Prisons In conversation with Sina from "World Without Prisons" The formation of this coalition was compelled by the need to connect the struggles of political and social prisoners around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of imminent death faced by prisoners hastened this effort. This coalition actively draws connections between national and international struggles and between political prisoners and social prisoners, who are ...

World Water Day: Food Security for the whole world

Last week we had the World Water Day. A day not very much recognized in Europe – cause Europe is part of the green zone of the earth. Access to water is something common. But there are regions on our earth where water is a rare thing. The UN is watching the access to water as one of the main reason for social and military conflicts in our next future. There are organisations working on this topic such is the We Are Water Foundation situated ...

Workshop: Forró Rythms

This Workshop was held by Enrqieu Matos (Luso Baiao) and Everton Coroné at the Forró Festival in Munich in May, 2015. Language: Portgues with english consecutive interpretation

Women Life Freedom - A feminist perspective & the protest movement here in ...

Women Life Freedom - A feminist perspective & the protest movement here in Leipzig In many cities around the world people are showing solidarity with the Iranian freedom fighters. Iranian activists are organizing demonstrations and actions under the slogan Jin, Jiyan, Azadi - Woman, Life, Freedom also in Leipzig. You are listening to a a feminist perspective on the freedom fights in Iran by the Iranian activist Baharak. She is also talking about the situation of the protest movement here in Leipzig and how nationalists use ...

Women in the video game industry

Videospiele sind überwiegend ein von Männern für Männer dominierter Markt. Dies soll sich in Zukunft ändern. Um gerade weibliche und transgender Spieleentwickler zu unterstützen, ist dieses Wochenende ist der Women Game Jam in Magdeburg. Bei einem Game Jam kommen Spielentwickler*innen zusammen und haben ein straffes Zeitlimit um ein Videospiel zu entwickeln. Wir haben mit der Organisatorin des Women Game Jam, Asema Hassan gesprochen.

women in exile: keine Lager für Frauen! Alle Lager abschaffen!

Radio Dreyeckland sprach mit einer Aktivistin von "women in exile" über ihre Forderung "Keine Lager für Frauen"." Women in exile" ist eine feministische Gruppe ,die sich selber zwischen dem refugee movement und der Frauenbewegung ansiedelt. Die Gruppe ist entstanden in Berlin und Brandenburg www.women-in-exile.net Das Interview ist auf englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung.

Women in Exile - Demonstration am 7. März

Am 7. März hat "Women in Exile" in Potsdam eine Demonstration durchgeführt. Wir sprachen mit einer der Organisatorinnen, um mehr über den Hintergrund und den Ablauf der Demonstration zu erfahren. Wir haben zunächst gefragt, worum es sich bei "Women in Exile" handelt. On 7th of March "Women in Exile" organized a demonstration in Potsdam. We talked with a member of "Women in Exile" to get more information ...

Wir wollen keine Sonderrechte, wir wollen gleiche Rechte für alle ! Stoppt die ...

Presseerklärung der Karlsruhe Refugee Community zur heutigen Demonstration unter dem Motto: Stoppt die Abschiebungen und die Diskriminierung von Geflüchteten https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/153462 1 Refugees-Community. Warum sind wir heute hier? Was wollen wir? 2 Was tut und fordert das Babelfish-Kaffe in Karlsruhe? zwei Redebeiträge bei der Auftaktkundgebung der Demo Refugees welcome, we will rise up in Karlsruhe am 19.9.2015 ...

Wir müssen gegen diese Situation aufstehen und sie ändern

Eine Aktivistin erzählt die Gründe ihrer Teilnahme am Protestmarsch der Flüchtlinge. Am 8. September startete der Protestmarsch in Würzburg. Am 3. Oktober soll der Protestmarsch in Berlin ankommen. Die Forderungen lauten: - Abschaffung aller Flüchtlingslager in Deutschland - Abschaffung der Abschiebegesetze - Abschaffung der Residenzpflicht An activist told the reasons of her participation of protest march of refugees. The protest march ...

Wir brauchen internationale Solidarität - Golden Misabiko über den Uranabbau ...

Interview mit dem Menschenrechtsaktivisten Golden Misabiko über den Uranabbau in DR Kongo und die globale Dimension des Uranhandels: Die Atombomben, welche die USA im zweiten Weltkrieg über Hiroshima und Nagasaki abwarfen, wurden mit Uran aus der Demokratischen Republik Kongo hergestellt. Gegen den Abbau von Uran im Kongo zu kämpfen, ist für Golden Misabiko vor dem Hintergrund dieser Geschichte selbstverständlich. Er ist Menschenrechtsaktivist und prangert die Zustände ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Zack Baddorf

Zack Baddorf is a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer teaching English at an industrial high school in Barlad, Romania. He joined the U.S. Navy on Sept. 13, 2001 and served five years as a Journalist, including in Iraq and Kuwait. He deployed to the Persian Gulf for six months aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu and spent a month aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Port Royal in Iraqi territorial waters protecting Iraq’s oil terminals. Baddorf worked for two years at ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Lee Kamara

Lee Kamara talks about the initial invasion of Iraq from a British soldier’s perspective and how he has suffered and dealt with his post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He’ll also talk about a project entitled Voices of War that is linking veterans through art. Lee Kamara berichtet aus Sicht eines britischen Soldaten über die Anfangsoffensive im Irak. Er schildert auch, wie stark er unter posttraumatischen Stresssymptomen leidet und wie er mit ihnen umgeht. Zudem ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Eddie Falcon

Eddie Falcon served four years in the Air Force as a C-130 Loadmaster. He was assignedto the 50th Airlift Squadron based at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. He deployed to Manas Air Base in Kyrgystan, moving cargo, troops, senators, special forces units, medical evacuees, Afghan locals, vehicles, and more in and out of Afghanistan in the winter of 2003 and the winter of 2004. He was also forward deployed to Al Udeid, Qatar, to move troops, cargo, etc. in and out of Iraq. ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Dave Cortelyou

David Cortelyou enlisted in the US Army as a Fire Support Specialist (Forward Observer, or Fister) in late November 2004 under the impression he was enlisting to become a Fireman. He completed same site unit training at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma before being assigned to the Headquarters Battery of 2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment in Giessen Germany. The soldier was deployed to Bi'aj and Ramadi Iraq from January 14, 2006 to January 13, 2007. He served as a COLT (Combat ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Chris Capps-Schubert

Chris Capps-Schubert deployed to Camp Victory, Baghdad, from November 2005 to late September 2006. After a tour in Iraq, the former Army communications specialist refused to deploy to Afghanistan and went absent with out leave (AWOL) in March 2007. Capps-Schubert enlisted in the US Army Reserves in the spring of 2004 in his hometown of Hackettstown, New Jersey. He attended basic training in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, and graduated among the top of the class there, before ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Chris Arendt (Teil2)

Chris Arendt was a member of the Michigan Army National Guard from 2001-2007. He served one deployment to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a prison guard. Arendt was the first guard to speak out about his experiences guarding the detainees in Gitmo’s prisons at Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan, held last year in Washington D.C. Arendt is now travelling the world as a homeless veteran, documenting the experience. Chris Arendt war von 2001 bis 2007 Feldjäger bei der US-Armee ...

Winter Soldier Hearing - Chris Arendt (Teil1)

Chris Arendt was a member of the Michigan Army National Guard from 2001-2007. He served one deployment to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a prison guard. Arendt was the first guard to speak out about his experiences guarding the detainees in Gitmo’s prisons at Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan, held last year in Washington D.C. Arendt is now travelling the world as a homeless veteran, documenting the experience. Chris Arendt war von 2001 bis 2007 Feldjäger bei der US-Armee ...

Winter Soldier Europe - Hearing 14.03.2009 - Introduction

Introduction by Virginia Edwards-Menz and Rose Kazma Rose Kazma has been practicing for 19 years and among others, she has worked with individuals suffering from PTSD resulting from US military combat, workplace violence, and criminal/sexual assault. Kazma decided to leave the USA nine years ago and currently resides in Rome, Italy, where she has been active in a variety of peace and human rights initiatives: to end the US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, to close Guantanamo ...