Serie: Another Russia

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Die Autorin

On the 15th of September, 2023, the first night of the play Die Autorin took place in Schaubühne Lindenfelds in Leipzig. The play belongs to the Russian playwright Natalia Zaitzeva who now lives in exile in Leipzig. Die Autorin is a free flow of reflexion on authorship, hierarchies in the art world and many more written from the first person. In the play performed by Verena Noll Natalia recalls her life and career as a playwright in Russia. She ...

Another Russia

Another Russia is a program about people fighting for human rights and humanistic values in Russia. The heroine of the first program is a singer, songwriter and musician Manizha Sangin. Besides her music Manizha is also known for her work in the field of human rights. Together with her mother she founded an NGO helping women who suffered from domestic violence. Manizha herself has a refugee experience and thus possesses special sensitivity to ...