Serie: Trade Unions in Africa

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#2 Trade Unionism in Africa: General Elections in Kenya and the doctors union ...

Zweisprachige Sendung Englisch/Deutsch Mit Bill Muriuki habe ich über die Wahlen gesprochen, die im August 2022 in Kenya stattgefunden haben. Wir sprachen über den Wahlkampf und welche Perspektive Gewerkschaftseliten und die Basis in Kenia auf das knappe Ergebnis für William Ruto haben. Außerdem haben wir noch allgemeiner über Gewerkschaften in Kenia gesprochen und über aktuellen Themen innerhalb der Kenya Medical Practicioners, Pharmacists ...

#1 Trade Unionism in Africa: the Marikana massacre of August 2012 and its consequences ...

Part 2 of the interview (for part 1 and summary of the events see #1 upload part 1) explains the consequences for trade unions in South Africa (splits from Congress of South African Trade Unions, reparations to families of the victims, international solidarity and responsability of profiteurs like German company BASF).

#1 Trade Unionism in Africa: the Marikana massacre of August 2012 and its history ...

On August 10, 2012, 3,000 miners joined in a wildcat strike demanding a 125 percent wage increase. A few weeks earlier, the British mining company Lonmin had negotiated higher wages with some miners without union involvement, and the remaining workers wanted to match their wages. The pro-government union NUM and management at the platinum mine refused to listen to the workers' claims, so the miners rushed to the union office to submit their ...

#1 Trade Unionism in Africa: a decade after the Marikana massacre - no justice ...

Memorial of the brutal suppression of a strike during which 34 miners were killed by police gunfire. The events took place on 16th of August 2012 at a platinum mine in Marikana, a town in South Africa, 80 km west of Pretoria. Interview with Warren McGregor, anarchosyndicalist activist in trade unions and social movements in South Africa and other African countries. We spoke about what happened in August 2012 in Marikana, what the consequences ...