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EPA's - some african perspectives

engl./dt.: Some african perspectives on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA's)between Europe and Africa. Afrikanische Perspektiven auf die sog. EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen.

African poverty and EPA's

engl./dt.: Poverty and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA's). Armut in Afrika und die Verbindung zu den EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen (EPA's).

French presidential elections and its perspective to Africa

engl./dt.: A talk show about the upcomming presidential elections in France, its perspective to Africa and influences of african people living there. Eine Talk Show über die kommenden Präsidentschaftswahlen in Frankreich, deren Perspektiven für Afrika und der Einfluss von dort lebenden Afrikanern.

African focus on the United Nations

Dr. Ibrahim Abdallah (lecturer at the department of history in a college in Sierra Leone) looks at the UN and its failure concerning developement in Africa.

Chinese 'partnership' to Africa

China on the way to Africa. Ressources, developement and political strategy.

China's intention in Africa

First part is about China's intention in Africa and the second part about 'good governance' and the peoples perspective on the WSF Nairobi.

New technologies, new languages (esperanto movement)

Freedom of information and access to technologies in Africa. Second part is about the international language esperanto.

G8 Summit

This programme discusses the impact and relevance of the G8 summit decisions on Africa and South Africa, and how those decisions affect the lives of people in Africa.

What is Direct Action?

Audio Package about Direct Action, including: * Telefon-Interview with Benjamin Franks, lecturer in Philosophy at Glasgow University * Interview with Ann Hansen, from Canadian militant activist group Direct Action * Interview with Robert from Dissent! (Radical and Independent Bookfair 2005, talk about the G8) * Interview with Duncan McLaren, Friends Of the Earth Scotland

Interview with Female African Journalist, May 2005

short audio about what African women would expect from the G8 and its effects on their communities: - Brain drain - Drugs/HIV - Fair Trade - Structural Adjustment Programmes. More info and audio in ogg-vorbis: Sorry, can't remember the name of the woman and the country she is from, only can remember that she is am African journalist but works now as a nurse in London. Audio ends rather abruptly ...

Talk of Craig Murray,British Ambassador to Uzbekistan 2002-2004, about torture ...

Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, released his book "Murder in Samarkand" at the Edinburgh Independent and Radical Bookfair 2006. He was thrown out of office after publically revealing that and how the UK/US accepted, tolerated and partly initiated torture of dissidents by supporting President's Karimov "War against Terror". More information under: ...

Michael Albert (Z-Net) talks about ParEcon (Participatary Economy)

Michael Albert, founder of Z-Mag, Z-net, Z-Video Productions and Z Media Institute at the 10th Edinburgh Radical and Independent Bookfair. He discusses his new book Parecon, about how a participatory economy cdould be like, and what the values of a non-capitalist society could be and how it could be run. More information:

The G8 and the African Dept..

Njoki Njoroge Njehu is the Executive Director of Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center, in Nairobi, Kenya. She gives her point of view on the G8 policies from an African perspective.

African Immigrants in Germany

Many african immigrants are facing serious problem in Germany where some of them are living in "Lager" (Camps for refugees). We talked to some of them during the immigration action day (June 04th, 2007)

Africa and the Global Warming-

Karsten Smid is working with Greepeace Germany. We asked him why Africa is asked to participate on the Global warming fight knowing that the Continent is not really the one polluting.

Report on the Kick Off of the anti G8 activities

A report on the kick off of the anti G8 activities scheduled in Rostock.

Refugees Consul in Germany

Conni Gunsser is working with the Refugees Consul in Germany. She tells us about her organisation.

Report on the Opening day of the G8

A report file at 07H00 to the West Africa Democracy Radio. It gives a general overview of yesterdays activities and today's expectations.

Interview mit Student aus Stirling zu G8 Gipfelprotest

Interview mit Sam, Student aus Stirling, ueber G8 Gipfelprotest. Mehrere andere Interviews und ogg-vorbis format unter: und

Interview mit Franzoesischen Kommunarden ueber G8 Gipfelproteste

Gutgelauntes Interview ueber G8 Gipfelproteste.