Elephant in the room - Abolishing Prisons with Nazis?

ID 100584
On 7 March 2020, under the motto "Solidarity with the imprisoned trade unionists of the GGBO", around 150 people demonstrated to the Chemnitz prison (JVA) for the fourth time, in order to make the struggles of the prisoners, the poor working conditions and medical care visible on the occasion of the International Women's Day. Since last year Beate Tschäpe one of the most known nazi-terrorist of Germany is sitting in Chemnitz as well. This provoked a lot of criticism towards the demonstration itself. Because of that we decided to describe why we think it is important to abolish prisons. why prisons are not a black hole, where nazis disappear, rather than organize. Why it is important to show solidarity with people inside prison who resist even if there are also incarcerated nazis.
01:01:58 h, 50 MB, mp3
mp3, 112 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 09.03.2020 / 21:51

Dateizugriffe: 2053


Beitragsart: Gebauter Beitrag
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Politik/Info, in anderen Sprachen
Serie: Elephant in the Room

AutorInnen: black rose radio collective
Radio: coloradio, Dresden im www
Produktionsdatum: 09.03.2020
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
On 7 March 2020, under the motto "Solidarity with the imprisoned trade unionists of the GGBO", around 150 people demonstrated to the Chemnitz prison (JVA) for the fourth time, in order to make the struggles of the prisoners, the poor working conditions and medical care visible on the occasion of the International Women's Day. Since last year Beate Tschäpe one of the most known nazi-terrorist of Germany is sitting in Chemnitz as well. This provoked a lot of criticism towards the demonstration itself. Because of that we decided to describe why we think it is important to abolish prisons. why prisons are not a black hole, where nazis disappear, rather than organize. Why it is important to show solidarity with people inside prison who resist even if there are also incarcerated nazis.