Open source through microsocieties

ID 30189
Open source through microsocieties
Open source through microsocieties This contribution follows sociological phenomena close to the philosophy of Open source (OS). It defines the events that have preceded and also those that coexist next to the process itself of free information sharing in digital world.
Autonomous spaces of stated communities work mainly within their own stimulation of development. Digital subcultures and mainly OS communities are considered motors of innovations and designs of new forms and functions at this moment. Examples of civic disobediences, hactivism and piracy are always period juridical prism and are always presented more or less negatively. Is Open source in its presently known form another abnormality in the development of the society? To make it clearer, the author is going back into the history to find some local examples from the Middle Ages over the contemporary European separatistic enclaves up to the marketing approach of Creative Commons.
32:56 min, 23 MB, mp3
mp3, 96 kbit/s, Mono (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 19.10.2009 / 00:23

Dateizugriffe: 590


Type: Rohmaterial
Language: english
Subject area: Andere, Politik/Info
Series: Datenspuren 2009

Author/s: olaf
Radio: coloradio, Dresden im www
Production Date: 03.10.2009
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
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