Manifesto by Patras Bwansi alias Bino Byansi Byakuleka "We are born free!"

ID 77297
This is my ideological understanding of the true essence of being human. Unfortunately only a
minority of people acknowledges this fact in the capitalistic world today, while another minority
hold the power. As a result the majority of people are being dehumanized, because human beings
are not seen as equal by all. These facts must be acknowledged by all individuals, within groups
and societies for the sake of all humanity. But to ac
hieve that we must deal first with FEAR,
because FEAR is a force which governs most human beings.
01:30:21 h, 62 MB, mp3
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Upload vom 25.05.2016 / 12:57

Dateizugriffe: 2324


Beitragsart: Anderes
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Politik/Info

AutorInnen: Asma-Esmeralda Abd\'Allah-Alvarez
Radio: radio flora, Hannover im www
Produktionsdatum: 25.05.2016
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
This is my ideological understanding of the true essence of being human. Unfortunately only a
minority of people acknowledges this fact in the capitalistic world today, while anothe
r minority
hold the power. As a result the majority of people are being dehumanized, because human beings
are not seen as equal by all. These facts must be acknowledged by all individuals, within groups
and societies for the sake of all humanity. But to ac
hieve that we must deal first with FEAR,
because FEAR is a force which governs most human beings.

It comes from four directions East, West, North and South. And FEAR has produced racism. For me FEAR is the virus and racism is the symptom of the ailing body. Further symptoms are selfishness with regard to personal or social gains, hatred of those who lack them, the fostering of a power gap, subsequent supremacy, and corruption. But FEAR is the force in the centre of the whole equation, and when it
collides with the outside conditions and if there is no one to keep
people calm, then all these symptoms burst open and develop a very negative energy. This energy is instrumentalised by the imperial forces. People are born with a good heart, but anxiety and external pressure make them unsure of themselves and they find themselves to be racist.
All of those symptoms have produced racial discrimination in the world today hatred between black, coloured and white people, but also as a consequence between women and men, who have turned against each other because of gender segregation, parents against their own
children, brothers against sisters, society against society, rich against the poor. FEAR -­‐ it has pushed the world politically, economically, socially and culturally into chaos. Since the very first encounter between whites and blacks, whites thought that they are more powerful than blacks or coloured people on this planet. To prove this they wage wars, and they inspire wars in places they rule. Since the first encounter the idea of divide and rule has been institutionalized in every colonised society at all levels, thereby inciting internal and external political, economical, social and cultural wars. Since the first encounter and up to today the so-­‐called developed world has felt itself superior to the developing world. However, this is not a natural but a constructed development, because it is rooted in the evolution of imperialism as an
ideological concept, which in turn is rooted in the systematic dehumanisation of other humans -­‐ the black and coloured people, the refugees, women, children, LGBTIQ people, disabled and homeless, students, workers, jobless, prisoners and prostitutes -­‐in short all the powerless people suffer most from the results of FEAR. As a consequence the majority of the population have to face daily oppression, enslavement, and discrimination.

Now the question is: How to deal with FEAR?
“The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." Nelson Mandela

I believe that we are human beings, who are born free. Therefore we must free ourselves again. It is possible to overcome FEAR and liberate ourselves from this bondage if each and every one tries to reflect on his or her personality within and in relation to the outside world, no matter what kind of gender, race, nationality, religion, education, and status they have. For me FEAR creates a situation that can only be countered by the analyzing and realizing of the facts and secondly by educating oneself.
Therefore for the disadvantaged people there is a big need to join hands and work together. That is why I say in my logo: “my right is your right!” My right to walk, my right to act, my right to love are represented by this image of a joined hand and foot: together they form a heart. We are born free!