(A-Radio) Brazil: Casa Encantada - The Fight for Housing in Belo Horizonte during the Pandemic

ID 126934
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Länge: 1:07 h

The following is a interview with Baruq from Brazil about a book project documenting 20 squats in the city of Belo Horizonte as well as a connected book tour through Europe starting in April 2024. We also learn more about the different and widespread practices of squatting and direct action in Brazil as well as the effects of the Covid pandemic and the authoritarian shifts in the country and how selforganized movements have dealt and still deal with it.

Please send feedback and comments at: aradio-berlin/at/riseup(.)net (aradio-berlin.org) (https://www.aradio-berlin.org/casa-encan...
01:07:25 h, 93 MB, mp3
mp3, 192 kbit/s, Stereo (48000 kHz)
Upload vom 20.02.2024 / 09:49

Dateizugriffe: 52


Genre: Interview
Langue: english
rubrique: Politik/Info, Internationales, Wirtschaft/Soziales, Andere

Auteur: Anarchistisches Radio Berlin
Radio: A-Radio Berlin, Berlin im www
Date de production: 20.02.2024
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
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