danube streamwaves vol. 01 (ulm edition)

ID 83654
This braodcast first program is produced by Radio free FM in Ulm, Germany, edited and presented by Jenz Keller as part of his show entitled "Music in Ulm". Unplugged sessions of musicians from Ulm and around, being guests live the studio in 2015, will be aired in this first danube streamwaves edition.

This program series has been created within the international cooperation „"danube streamwaves", making four radio stations operating in four cities along the river Danube produce shows to be aired in each partner radio station. (Ulm, Linz, Budapest, Novi Sad)
59:54 min, 82 MB, mp3
mp3, 192 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 21.06.2017 / 13:21

Dateizugriffe: 17


Type: Anderes
Language: english
Subject area: Musik

Author/s: Radio free FM
Radio: freefm, Ulm im www
Production Date: 21.06.2017
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Preconditions for community media and cultural organizations are not the same everywhere. What is journalism like in the citizens’ media farther down the Danube? What are the situations there, and what is Baden-Wurttemberg’s free radios’ contribution to the democratization of media in the Danube Region? In several countries along the Danube, independent media and free cultural work are particularly constricted by a conservative perception of politics, culture, and news coverage. All the more inventively and perseveringly, groups have formed again and again in order to claim and practice their rights to creative work and critical thinking.

Project Aim
For this project, which is being sponsored by the Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation, Radio free FM has set its goal to establish a network of participational media in the Danube Region and stimulate cross-border-cooperation between the players within the Danube Region.

Course Of Action
In order to bring about synergy effects between the citizens’ media and the persons engaged in the cultural sector, first of all, they must be brought together. For this purpose, a congress will take place at Ulm in November 2015. After some conversation and exchange of ideas in the first phase, the players involved will develop common topical focus points and panels. In order to give this congress and its aim a greater stage and adequate attention, the annual congress of the German Federation of Free Radios (Bundesverband Freier Radios (BFR) e. V.) will be brought to Ulm as well. Together, the participants of this meeting in Ulm will determine further steps like program exchanges, knowhow transfer and future meetings.