Antisemitism in the British Left - Interview with David Hirsh

ID 88247
David Hirsh, investigator on contemporary antisemitism at Goldsmiths University of London, recent bookauthor and political activist in the Labour Party and the Union-movement on antisemitism in the british left and the Labour Party and leftwing jewish organization against it.

As a leftwing activist Hirsh was involved in campaigns against antisemitism in the british left since the 80s, later on he became a professional investigator on this subject as a sociologist at the University. We spoke with him about modern antisemitism and its connection to left and right wing populism. Introducing the audience to the british political context, Hirsh demonstrates how an external branding of the term "zionism" or "zionist" serves as vehicle in conspiriacy theories and takes part in the construction of a good vs bad worldview in leftist thinking.
He explains how critics who adress antisemitism in the left are branded as Blairites, conservatives and racists who weaken the unity of the left.

Hirsh will present his recently published book "Contemporary Left Antisemitism" in Frankfurt and Heidelberg in April 2018.
For more information check out:
48:31 min, 43 MB, mp3
mp3, 123 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 30.03.2018 / 17:15

Dateizugriffe: 2251


idioma: english
áreas de redacción:

autoras o autores: Nachmittagsmagazin für subversive unternehmungen am Freitag; nmfsu
Radio: FSK, Hamburg im www
fecha de producción: 30.03.2018
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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