Elephant in the Room #46 - Myth of 13 February and bombing of Dresden

ID 120335
In 1945 the city of Dresden was bombed by the allies. The story was used by multiple different political group in their attempt to appropriate this event. Starting from the crumbling Nazi regime and ending up with GDR's so-called socialists. From 90th, neonazis are also using this day to rewrite the history and make Dresden as one of the biggest victims of the second world war.

For many years, anarchists and antifascists are resisting both the liberal narrative of victim city and nazi marches that are still happening despite the struggle.

In this episode we are talking about the history of the city prior to bombing, the reasons for it in the first place and how different political regimes approached it. With details of antifascists resistance to nazis in the city from the 90th till today.
01:27:31 h, 120 MB, mp3
mp3, 192 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 13.02.2023 / 13:14

Dateizugriffe: 687


Beitragsart: Feature
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Politik/Info
Serie: Elephant in the Room

AutorInnen: Elephant in the room
Radio: coloradio, Dresden im www
Produktionsdatum: 13.02.2023
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
In 1945 the city of Dresden was bombed by the allies. The story was used by multiple different political group in their attempt to appropriate this event. Starting from the crumbling Nazi regime and ending up with GDR's so-called socialists. From 90th, neonazis are also using this day to rewrite the history and make Dresden as one of the biggest victims of the second world war.

For many years, anarchists and antifascists are resisting both the liberal narrative of victim city and nazi marches that are still happening despite the struggle.

In this episode we are talking about the history of the city prior to bombing, the reasons for it in the first place and how different political regimes approached it. With details of antifascists resistance to nazis in the city from the 90th till today.