2. Europäisches Transgendercouncil 2.-4.Mai in Berlin

ID 22194
Interview mit Julia (geführt bereits Anfang März) zu den Inhalten des zweiten Transgendercouncil am kommenden Wochenende in Berlin.
Das Council hat zum Ziel, Trans*politische Arbeit international zu vernetzen.
06:55 min, 9716 kB, mp3
mp3, 192 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 30.04.2008 / 10:49

Dateizugriffe: 268


Beitragsart: Interview
Sprache: deutsch
Redaktionsbereich: Andere, Frauen/Lesben, Schwul, Politik/Info

AutorInnen: transgenderradio OKB
Radio: corax, Halle im www
Produktionsdatum: 29.04.2008
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Make human rights work
This year's Council offers a full program featuring international activists and experts who will share their first hand experience in the field of human rights and Transgender related work.

Panels and Presentations will address Human Rights issues and Anti Discrimination Legislation as well as the results of the Study on the Legal and Health Situations of Transgender People in Europe, which was conducted by Press for Change (UK) in conjunction with ILGA Europe and Transgender Europe in 2007.

Workshops and Training Sessions will cover topics such as Lobbying, Fundraising, Transgender Counselling Services, Discrimination in the Workplace, Developing Advocacy Strategies and Conflict Mediation in Volunteer Organisations.

There will be opportunities to discuss and formulate the future goals of Transgender Europe, including work on a TGEU Vision Paper. As part of the General Assembly of Transgender Europe there will be an Election for the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee.

We are delighted to announce that the Council's official Show and Party will be organised by Wigstoeckel - Transgender United and that yorckberlin will present an Art Exhibition of artists involved with the theme "Transgender".

30.04.2008 / 12:34 Jochen, Radio Unerhört Marburg (RUM)
gesendet zip 30.04.08
Dankeschön, ich würde mich freuen, wenn es auch eine Nahcbereitung der Konferenz gibt...