The Situation in Gaza under COVID-19

ID 102391
In Gaza people live under the Israely blockade for the last 14 years. The first cases of Corona were found in the very densly populated Gaza strip. Susann Gfeller of medico international Switzerland spoke with Dr. Aed Yaghi of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in Gaza. He talks about the medical and social situation in Gaza during Ramadan. He explains the measures taken by the Hamas Government and the department of health. He also elaborates on the work of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society.
18:24 min, 25 MB, mp3
mp3, 189 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 14.05.2020 / 14:22

Dateizugriffe: 7


Auteur: Radio LoRa, Bianca Miglioretto und medico international schweiz Susanne Gfeller
Radio: LoRaZH, Zürich im www
Date de production: 14.05.2020
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Moderation Aed Yaghi PMRS Gaza

The situation in Gaza under COVID 19

In Gaza people live under the Israely blockade for the last 14 years. Gaza is also refered to as the biggest open air prison of the world.

The first cases of Corona were found in the very densly populated Gaza strip, where the health system was already before the lock down in a very critical situation.

Susann Gfeller of medico international Switzerland spoke with Dr. Aed Yaghi of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in Gaza. He talks about the medical and social situation in Gaza during Ramadan. He explains the measures taken by the Hamas Government in Gaza and the department of health. He also elaborates on the important work of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society during this difficult time, to support the people and fill the gaps of the department of health.


This was an interview by Susann Gfeller with Dr Aed Yaghi of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in Gaza.
The Palestinian Medical Relief Society is a Partnerorganisation of medico international Switzerland.
Medico international Switzerland supports their COVID-19 Emergency Project in Palestine. This enables the palestinian medical relief society to buy masks and other protection material for the health workers so that they can continue to extend their important health services to the Palestinian people.
If you also with to support the work of this non-governmental health organisation, we are very happy to receive your donation on the Postlcheck-Konto 80-7869-1 (dash) or visit our website for online donations: I repeat

This report was brought to you by Bianca Miglioretto for Radio LoRa.
The music el helwa di is an old palestinian workers song from Said Darwisch, presented by the Shalabia Duo.