Another Russia

ID 123803
1. Teil
Another Russia is a program about people fighting for human rights and humanistic values in Russia.
The heroine of the first program is a singer, songwriter and musician Manizha Sangin. Besides her music Manizha is also known for her work in the field of human rights. Together with her mother she founded an NGO helping women who suffered from domestic violence. Manizha herself has a refugee experience and thus possesses special sensitivity to the problems of refugees and immigrants. She also publicly spoke against the war with the Ukraine and therefore cannot play concerts in Russia anymore.
31:40 min, 44 MB, mp3
mp3, 193 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 22.08.2023 / 14:15

Dateizugriffe: 44


tipo: Magazin
lingua: english
settore/i di redazione:
serie: Another Russia

autrici/autori: radio blau, Maria Ruchevaia
Radio: RadioBlau, Leipzig im www
data di produzione: 22.08.2023
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
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05.09.2023 / 18:23 Monika, bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar
in sonar
am 5.9.. Vielen Dank ! Sehr gerne gespielt.