The last Day of the WSF 2011 in Dakar Part 2: The closing ceremony, a resume, perspectives and the importance of the WSF

ID 39399
The 10 year old demands of the WSF are being echoed by the G20 but not implemented. Has the WSF lost its momentum?
In Dakar important questions were raised: Migration, Diaspora and free movement. Reconlonialisation by land grabbing and exploitation of raw materials. The role of women in the new struggles for liberation.
The WSF is still full of energy and beans.
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Upload vom 03.03.2011 / 18:26

Dateizugriffe: 1089


Auteur: bianca Miglioretto, AMARC
Radio: LoRaZH, Zürich im www
Date de production: 02.03.2011
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht

In the afternoon of February 11, the last day of the WSF 2011 in Dakar, the closing ceremony took place on the big stage in the middle of the University of Dakar.
Guisse Martial of the international organising committee situated the forum in the context of the previous WSFs and emphasized its importance, focuses and new discussions.

O-ton Martial
O-Ton Translation
O-ton Martial

Before the closing ceremony the assemblies of the 12 transversal topics of the WSF took place and they adopted declarations and platforms. During the closing ceremony the most important points of these declarations were shortly presented. Following the report on the Assembly of the African organisations:


Dear Friends I have good news for you: Capitalism is in the process of self-distruction. Those who will go to Davos will die in memory. Because the future takes place here.
The African movements have met this morning and shared the results of the events and workshops of the last four days. I will recall them in three sentences:
The participants feel empowered by the great march and the high quality of the debats, that took place despite the many difficulties that have already been mentioned.
We reafirm our committement to raise the social and political conciousness to reach another Africa. But not just any Africa, the Africa we dream of is a united, independent and souvereign Africa of the people. A democratic Africa that determins its future. This is the huge challenge for the social movements of Africa.


The music band Ritual Negro came all the way from Venezuela and performed at the closing ceremony.


Critical Voices against the WSF claim that it has lost its momentum, that it is no longer taken serious and does not achieve anything. Guisse Martial of the internationalen organising Committee counters:

O-ton Martial
O-ton Translation
O-Ton Martial

The rights of migrants and the right to free movement was very prominent at the forum in Dakar, Following the report of the assembly on migration:


Comrades, the WSF in Dakar and the world charta on migration that was signed February 11 on the island of Gore demand:
The ratification and implementation of the UN-Convention on the rights of labour migrants and their families. The freedom to move and settle whereever one desires. The shutdown of all refugee camps and the abolition of all agreements that violate human rights at borders. We condemn the effects of neo-colonial and neo-liberal exploitation and emphasize the fundamental role of migrants for universal citicenship.


The report of the assembly of the women's organisaitons was very short, because the assembly was divided over the question of the support for the struggle of the Saharoui women against the Moroccan occupation of the West-Sahara.


We came from two different dynamics, at the international level and at the local level in Senegal. We had a rich exchange and thanks to the senegalese hospitality we were able to collaborate productively. The women's village was always busy and hot in terms of climate and politically. We were devided over one question and could not come up with a united declaration. But all the women present are committed to continue the struggle against violence against women, for our self-determination and the souvereignity of our people.


Concluding Guisse Martial of the international committee of the WSF said:

O-Ton Martial
O-Ton Translation
O-Ton Martial

With this Senegalese women's song I conlude the reports from the WSF in Dakar, Senegal. For AMARC International, Bianca Miglioretto.