Podcast of Gezi Radyo News from 12. June - 2pm

ID 56535
As an act of solidarity we recorded the english news of gezi radio from today ~2 pm Istanbul time. As radio activist we know that this kind of documentation is really hard to realize from inside the protests. As radio activists we know as well that this kind of documentation can be done from everywhere in the world. Don t hate the media - be the media!

The popular open-source player VLC is able to record streams [HowTo]. You will find a file on your local machine which you could edit, using the open-source programm Audacity in order to improve the sound of the recording. Even if you are not able to edit the sound you could take the raw recording of the stream and upload it to linksunten.indymedia.org or any other open posting Plattform.

Spread the News!
Solidarity with Gezi Radyo!
Solidarity with the protests against the G8!

[Note: The transmission was interrupted (we guess because of bad cables) in the end of the news broadcast. This is what we were able to record. We do not censor!]
12:54 min, 12 MB, mp3
mp3, 128 kbit/s, Mono (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 12.06.2013 / 14:25

Dateizugriffe: 666


Genre: Nachricht
Langue: english
rubrique: Wirtschaft/Soziales, Internationales, Politik/Info

Auteur: RDL
Radio: RDL, Freiburg im www
Date de production: 12.06.2013
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
Kein Skript vorhanden.

12.06.2013 / 15:31 Fabian, Radio Dreyeckland, Freiburg
verwendet in Focus Europa
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