Deportations to Nigeria and the Brutality of the german Migration Regime

ID 106295
Interview with the activist Rex Osa (, about his work, his observations and analysis of the german deportation regime. Focusses are recent charter deportations to Nigeria, the situation in the camps, the violence of deportations, the disregard for human rights, human health and life by german institutions and the resistance against it.

Recording startet to late, therefore first minutes and Introduction are not included. The recording of the interview starts with him explaining what his organisation does to support the people, who have been deported to Nigeria.

There is a short break in the interview at around 9:00 mins.

28:18 min, 31 MB, mp3
mp3, 150 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 11.01.2021 / 17:59

Dateizugriffe: 2857


Beitragsart: Interview
Sprache: english
Redaktionsbereich: Wirtschaft/Soziales, Internationales, in anderen Sprachen, Politik/Info

AutorInnen: Redaktion 3 ninki_nanka FM
Radio: FSK, Hamburg im www
Produktionsdatum: 11.01.2021
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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