"Trillion" (Rap von Rebel Diaz/Bronx, NY) über die Finanzkrise

ID 24472
Der Rap der Gruppe "Rebel Diaz" aus der New Yorker Bronx kursiert seit Kurzem im Internet, u.a. auf Youtube (www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QQbRXaGsjM), hier eine MP3-Fassung über die Milliarden, mit denen Washington die gescheiterten Banker beglückt. Der Text erklärt das "bailout" besser als die gespreizten Mainstream-Zeitungsartikel - und ist mit einem einfachen Lexikon leicht zu übersetzen.

“Wall Street tumbled again Monday”. (Schuss).
“The Treasury Department has formally asked Congress to approve a $700 billion dollar bailout of the financial industry”. (Schuss)
”The Bush Administration proposal could be the largest government bailout of private industry in the nation’s history”. (Schuss)
”Some analysts say the final cost to taxpayers could top one trillion dollars”.
One trillion dollars
One trillion dollars
A lot of people askin’
Is that really nine zeros?
Nah, homie, that’s twelve
A trillion
A trillion
A trillion
Lot of speculations on the moneys they made
Markets they played
Pimpin’ the system ’cause they run the game
They trades inside in the old boys network
Money stays in as they build they net worth
Ledges gets cooked
The books get fixed
And if it all falls down, in steps the government
Oh you bailed out?
Shit, no jailhouse?
In my hood you flip currency you get charged with conspiracy
Admittedly dog, all these numbers complicated
Stocks and the bonds and the inside trading
But I ain’t in over my head
When I know we’re getting juiced
How they ain’t throwin the book at them Wall Street crooks?
Look, if I was to flip money that ain’t even exist
Or get a loan on my home and not pay back that shit
Interest would stack up
Moving truck would back up
And the repo man would pack everything up
Stuck and wake up, about to lose it all
And no one would come and save me with a trilly rewards
A trillion
A trillion
A trillion
That’s what they givin’ out nowadays, man
A trillion
Come on, look
Lil’ Wayne making a mill
Jay makin’ a bill
But look who got the money, they loanin’ them trills
This is hypocrisy on a monumental scale
These the real crooks
But we’re the ones in jail
These conservative Republicans want the government out of their businesses when they makin’ money
Yet when their greed puts them in a little fix
They’re the first to call daddy Bush so he can bail them out quick
The same dudes who made laws so they could trade without regulation is the brains behind McCain’s administration
Now what you mean, who that?
Let’s call up Phil Graham
Or Alan Greenspan
Or maybe we could start with the Enron collapse
Or the S&L scandal right before that
It’s not complicated, just do the math
I have to inform, it’s part of my craft
$85 billion to save AIG
It could have gave us health care to fight HIV
So they gave financial freedom to Charles Keating
While we live a nightmare they was American dreamin’ making.
A trillion
A trillion
A trillion
Come on!
As sure they set a premium
Bankrupt the Brother’s Lehman
Slap on the wrist, turn around and called it even
But the deficit deepens
They’re drowning in debt
All their money’s spent
So they print more of it
Damn, it’s that easy to solve all our problems?
Then how come in the hood we starvin’?
Infuse some green backs into seeds that would lead us
Instead of an illegal war overseas, man
It’s war over oil
War on the poor
If you ain’t payin’ taxes you’re expendable
Another soldier in the army of the unemployed
So they could hire me for less if they fired my boy
The strong rebuild, divide and conquer
How they live with themselves and their moral conscious
Their moral conscious is pulled by forces
Sitting at the table eating extra portions
Greedy notions
Evil, deceitful inside the people
Me, I’m on the side that resides within you
Love and the honest, righteous thing to do
I look forward to
And prey these Wall Street types find the light
If they don’t
If we don’t fight
Human kind won’t survive A trillion
A trillion
Look if you can’t oversee your need A trillion
Or legislate away hate
A trillion
Then the sign of the times say that we
A trillion
In spiritual warfare… and that’s keeping it
A trillion
04:08 min, 3878 kB, mp3
mp3, 128 kbit/s, Mono (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 11.10.2008 / 05:09

Dateizugriffe: 743


tipo: Rohmaterial
idioma: english
áreas de redacción: Politik/Info, in anderen Sprachen, Musik, Internationales, Wirtschaft/Soziales

autoras o autores: Max
fecha de producción: 11.10.2008
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
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