From Vaca Muerta and Texas to Brunsbüttel: The dirty road of fracking gas to us. International anticolonial panel on the 29th July in Hamburg (english/deutsch)

ID 110443
Mitschnitt der Veranstaltung (in english/deutsch) vom 29.07.2021

"Von Vaca Muerta über Texas nach Brunsbüttel - der dreckige Weg des Fracking-Gases zu uns."

Mehr Informationen unter: :

"From Vaca Muerta and Texas to Brunsbüttel – what happens before the “bridging fuel” reaches us in Germany? And why is gas so dirty? In Texas, from where the new LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel is to be supplied, fossil fuels are extracted at the expense of the land and health of indigenous communities. And the German oil and gas company Wintershall DEA not only operates the Mittelplate oil production platform in Schleswig-Holstein, of which the oil is processed in Brunsbüttel, but with its fracking activities is also significantly responsible for exploitation, destruction and drinking water poisoning in the Argentine region of Vaca Muerta.

On July 29 at 7 p.m. CEST, an international panel will take place on this topic at the Fabrique in Hamburg. Activists from each Argentina and Texas will speak about the colonial continuities that fracking draws between countries of the Global North and the Global South. The event will be held in English, a translation into German will be provided. Afterwards, open questions can be clarified and discussed with the activists in a direct conversation."
01:51:34 h, 104 MB, mp3
mp3, 130 kbit/s, Mono (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 29.07.2021 / 21:56

Dateizugriffe: 2497


tipo: Rohmaterial
idioma: english
áreas de redacción: Politik/Info, Umwelt, Internationales, Wirtschaft/Soziales

autoras o autores: FSK
Radio: FSK, Hamburg im www
fecha de producción: 29.07.2021
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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