Ich bin ein Hamburger - Episode 48 - Nairobi Nightcap

ID 127738
As the Russian election fades into the sunset Martin and Loraine join from Nairobi for a late evening chat about Gen Z work habits, AI human rights and communal money in Kenyan villages. Also, what's the latest Boeing mishap? Susan prepares us for worry-free Easter travels!
01:59:57 h, 110 MB, mp3
mp3, 128 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 26.03.2024 / 14:13

Dateizugriffe: 893


tipo: Magazin
idioma: english
áreas de redacción: Politik/Info, Kultur, Jugend, Internationales, Wirtschaft/Soziales
serie: Ich bin ein Hamburger

autoras o autores: BurgerForce
Radio: FSK, Hamburg im www
fecha de producción: 26.03.2024
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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The fresh magazine show by medium-rare Hamburgers for raw Hamburgers who are new to the city. News, topical discussion, cultural events, German language lessons, and music requests. There's plenty for you to chew on! redaktion3@fsk-hh.org