"Not having a gouvernment at the time is better than having Rusnok and his friends" - Advanced reelection in Czech Republik

ID 58074
It's already an "old story", the thing about the dissolution of Czech Parliament:
In June there were 30 persons arrested because of spying, corruption and organized crime. Prime minister Petr Necas faced the consequences and announced the demission of his post and the chairmanship of conservative party ODS on June 17th.
At that point, critical groups demanded advanced reelections - in July there was the first attempt in this direction, but it failed because there was no majority. On August 7th 2013 Jiri Rusnoks gouvernment lost the vote of confidence in Parliament. Again there was a demission last week.
Is it only "financial problems" why the members of Parliament couldn't bring themselves to vote for the dissolution of the gouvernment for so long? Critics utter accusation of austerity, privatisation and severe cuts in the social system...
We spoke to Vojta Kaláb, sociologist from Brno.
10:54 min, 10 MB, mp3
mp3, 128 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 21.08.2013 / 15:10

Dateizugriffe: 623


Author/s: die meike
Radio: RDL, Freiburg im www
Production Date: 21.08.2013
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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