
ID 105888
1. Teil (Hauptteil)
This radio work is coming out of an invitation from Afrika Diva Collectif in Kinshasa. Using a non-linear approach to documentary, a circular audio collage with voices and audio accounts on daily life disturbances was created out of getting in touch in a very focused communication moment with people. We asked everyone and ourselves: how can life minus spam be, how a life without spam could look like?

minusSPAMminus (SPAM 6) is a work made for radio and of spam facts, + and - regarding spam, personal stories triggered by spam in a material, non-material, historical and emotional manner, all assembled by Jasmina Al-Qaisi and Ralf Wendt with their invited friends and collaborators who decided to respond to the email they sent with the word SPAM in the subject.


Orakle Ngoy, Sara Ndele and Gina Ndaya As part of Afrika Diva Collective, Claire Serres, Abir Tawakalna, Pati Sayuri, Beya Othmani, Ali, Nico and Lav as part of CUTRA pop feminist magazine, Henrik Nieratschker, Gustavo Mendez and Maria Karpushina as part of Research and Waves, Parveda Chandra Kiran, Özge Açıkkol and Seçil Yersel as part of odaprojesi group, Heidi Salaverria, Alexandru Udrea - Raj, Tina Klatte, Simona Constantin, Cristina Bogdan

Mriganka Madhukaillya, Sebastian Gerstengarbe, Alexander Klose, Schnelle Musikalische Hilfe and translations by Clara Brandt and Elsa Westreicher.

02:59:35 h, 164 MB, mp3
mp3, 127 kbit/s, Stereo (44100 kHz)
Upload vom 11.12.2020 / 15:34

Dateizugriffe: 2952


AutorInnen: Jas und Ralf
Radio: corax, Halle im www
Produktionsdatum: 11.12.2020
Folgender Teil steht als Podcast nicht zur Verfügung
493 kB,
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Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erwünscht
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